Sunday, September 10, 2023

Why Not UnBreak Your Health?

 I have to admit that I get a little bit jealous when I read about a more successful health author.  OK, I admit it, almost every other health author is more successful!  But when I read about Dr. Peter Attia and how his book "Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity" has sold over a million copies since March it put me into a serious funk.  Yes, I know his podcast ranks among the top shows for fitness and health while I haven't done a podcast in years, but still.

I believe, as I always have, that we are all responsible for our own health.  I also believe that you need to know all of the options that are available for treatment and therapy not just what your mainstream doctor recommends.  That's why I wrote UnBreak Your Health in the first place.  It wasn't easy to collect over 300 different therapies that range from the very ancient to the most modern but it was finally published by Loving Healing Press and I was thrilled to do my part to help folks find better health.  Now someone else publishes a book and sells over a million copies.  Sigh.

Life goes one, the sun will rise in the East as always, and I will continue to write more books for better health in the hope that one day I'll sell a million copies too.

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