Friday, May 25, 2007

Holistic Chamber of Commerce

Made it to the D/FW Holistic Chamber of Commerce meeting last night. It may be impossible to make the breakfast meetings and challenging to make the luncheons but I'm pretty good at the evening get-togethers!
As usual an interesting discussion about the potential for my book to "raise the lake" of public awareness and acceptance of complementary and alternative therapies. Expectations are for it to sell well on both coasts but have an uphill challenge here in the South.
One of the folks told the story about how her pastor asked her for a private meeting. Seems that a few of the members of the church were concerned that she was practicing witchcraft ... because they don't understand what acupuncture is all about. In this day and age it's still considered something unnatural and foreign.
Hopefully my book will enlighten a few folks about complementary and alternative medicine!

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